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Wood Field Primary School


Good communication with parents is vital to ensure that children’s wellbeing is fully supported, they make progress and achieve their full potential. We use Class Dojo (a messaging APP) as our main communication method with parents. This is particularly helpful for children who travel to school on transport.

Teachers are able to upload photos of the day’s activities and send parents private messages when necessary. Class teachers post daily updates on classroom activities, including photographs, so children are able to reflect on their experiences. As well as this, parents are encouraged to use this app to update teachers on any changes or concerns regarding their child. Each child has a portfolio where we celebrate children's successes and encourage parents to upload photos from home too. 

We also have a Parent Forum which meets once a half-term, another way we can ensure that parents' voices are heard, increasing their involvement in school life.


Please click on link below to learn more about Dojo.