Why is attendance important?
Every day at school counts. Absences lead to missed learning and create gaps in children’s education that can seriously affect their academic progress and attainment. Regular attendance at school ensures that children get the best possible start in life. Good attendance supports learning, the development of social skills and friendships, as well as building good habits that are essential for adult life. School education lays the vital foundations of a child’s life. Research clearly demonstrates the link between regular attendance and educational progress and attainment. At Wood Field Primary School, we want to work in partnership with parents and carers to make education a success and in ensuring that all children have full and equal access to all that the school has to offer.
Children with good attendance generally achieve more and are happier at school. Good attendance increases a child's academic success and improves their chances in life opportunities.
Attendance Percentages
The Government expect that pupils attend school for at least 96% of the school year. Repeated absences can have a lasting impact on pupils' education and can add up quickly.
Reporting your child's absence
We are aware that there may be valid reasons for your child's absence. Please click here to find more information about this.
If your child’s level of absence concerns us or attendance falls below 95%, you may be contacted by the school to look at what support can be offered to improve your child’s attendance. We want to work with you to ensure we give your child the best opportunities to grow and succeed.
Attendance that falls below 90% is categorised as Persistent Absence. An attendance figure of 90% is the equivalent of a half day absence every week. If your child is persistently absent, a number of things may happen depending upon the reasons for absence and your child’s previous attendance record. You may receive a letter, an invitation to an attendance meeting, a home visit or, in serious cases, your child’s attendance may be closely monitored by the Local Authority Education Welfare Officer.
If these absences are as a result of repeated illness, you may be asked to provide medical proof of absence.
School Timings
Morning Arrival
Our gates open at 8.35 am and close at 8.45am. All children must arrive at school between these times. This timing allows children to get into their classroom and settle in, ready for the register to be taken and learning to start at 8.50am.
Any arrivals after 8.45am will be logged at Late on the class register and as the gates close at 8.45am, children will need to sign in at the main school office.
Any arrivals later than 9.15am will be logged in the register as an Unauthorised Absence. Wood Field Primary School is bound by the Department of Education Guidance which states that any arrival later than 30 mins after registers must be logged this way.
Click here for information on Punctuality and Lateness and the impact on children's academic, emotional and social development.
Afternoon Collection
Gates open for afternoon collection at 3.10pm.
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are dismissed at 3.10pm.
Year 3 and Year 4 are dismissed at 3.15pm.
Year 5 and Year 6 are dismissed at 3.20pm.
Any children not collected from the designated place on the playground after 5 minutes will be taken to the Main Office and can be collected from there.
We ask that parents and carers arrive promptly at these times and inform the Main Office should they be running late so that we can reassure your child/ren. We also ask you to inform us if a different adult will be collecting their child. This is part of our strong safeguarding ethos - class teachers will not dismiss a child to an adult they are not aware should be collecting.