All absences and the reasons for them have to recorded.
We request that parents contact the school by 9am on the first day of absence in one of the following ways:
- call the school on 0208 619 1120 (press 1 for Wood Field then option 1 for absence)
- email, putting your child’s name and class in the subject box and the reason for the absence in the main message.
- use the My Child At School app (MCAS) to report your child’s absence
Hospital and clinic appointments
When these occur in school time, parents are requested to let the school know in writing as early as possible. When collecting your child, please call at the school office to sign them out using the electronic system.
Late arrivals
The law requires pupils to attend school regularly and this includes arriving on time each day. When a pupil arrives late to school there are many consequences that you may not have thought of.
The child misses essential instructions that are given out at the beginning of the day.
Time missed from school due to lateness is cumulative – in fact, arriving five minutes late each day adds up to missing three school days by the end of the academic year.
Pupils often feel awkward and embarrassed about walking into their classroom after the rest of the class has settled.
When one person is late, everyone misses out as the class is disrupted and the teacher must take time away from the other pupils to explain what is going on.
Please give your child the best possible chance to succeed by ensuring they arrive on time each day.
Holidays in term time
Legally, there is no automatic entitlement to time off school to go on holiday. All applications for leave must be made in advance by filling in an absence request form, obtainable from the school office. Any holiday taken without the agreement of the school, or in excess of that agreed, will be classed as unauthorised. This could result in your child being removed from the school roll or parents being issued with a penalty notice.
Attendance Officer
The Borough Attendance Officer visits the school regularly to monitor registers, note absences or late attendance and discuss problems. We are always willing to meet parents to give advice and discuss difficulties. The Borough Attendance Officer is a valuable link between the school and other agencies. Contact may be made through school or directly through the Education Department on 020 8770 6565.
Late collections
The school offers Jancett after school club. Additionally, we offer a Wrap Around Club for parents that are unable to collect their child at 3:15pm. This is run by the school. Outside of this, parents or a delegated adult should be at the school in time to collect by 3:15pm as there is no other provision to look after children. Responsibility for any child not collected at 3:15pm lies with the parent. If a child is not collected and there is no contact from the parents, the school will follow the London Borough of Sutton’s Policy and Guidance for Schools and other Children’s Services Providers.
For further guidance and information, please see our Attendance Policy.