Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil premium is additional funding allocated to all schools in England to support disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. This budget includes pupils who are currently entitled to free school meals, have been entitled to free school meals in the past six years (FSM ‘Ever 6’), children who are cared for or adopted from care and children whose parents are in the armed forces.
- Find out more about Pupil Premium on the Government's Website
- Pupil Premium Eligibilty Checker
- Pupil Premium - Wood Field information leaflet
How should the money be spent?
It is entirely up to individual schools to decide how the pupil premium is spent, however there is an expectation that schools can prove the impact this money has had on its disadvantaged pupils. It is imperative that as a school we fully understand each of our disadvantaged pupils and know exactly what they need to help them to reach their limitless potential.
We acknowledge that no one child is the same and therefore ensure the support they receive is tailored to their individual needs; whether it be welfare support, individualised learning programmes, enrichment activities to boost confidence, self-esteem and general enriching experiences or even support to develop friendships.
Our approach
At Wood Field Primary we seek to ensure the effectiveness of our use of the pupil premium funding. We recognise that barriers to achievement take a variety of forms and therefore attempt to be innovative in the support that we provide. We evaluate our support plans throughout the year and make changes if we feel that it is necessary.
We do this by offering our children a wide range of opportunities and ensuring that these are accessible for everyone. We work with families and colleagues to make sure everyone has high aspirations for all pupils. We ensure pupil premium children are well represented and have a voice on our school council and other pupil groups.
Pupil premium funding for Wood Field and Oak Field 2023/24
- Total number of pupils on roll - 672
- Total number of pupils eligible for pupil premium grant (PPG) - 135
- Amount of PPG received per pupil - £1,386
- Total amount of PPG received - £187,232
Some ways in which we plan to spend the money:
Enriching the curriculum
- Quality first teaching strategies
- Subsidised class trips
- Free second hand school uniform
- Intervention groups
- Access to Family Support Worker and ELSA
- Free places given to after school enrichment clubs
Targeted support
- Tailoring each intervention to suit each child
- Small group support
- Speech and language teaching assisstant
- English as an additional language support
- Homework clubs
Wellbeing support
- Family support worker
- High quality after school club opportunities
- Emotional literacy support assistant (ELSA) trained staff
- Friendship circles
Staff training
- Trauma training for staff
- Intensive training for teaching staff in further developing quality first teaching strategies in the classroom
Extending school support
- Subsidised school journeys
- Subsidised music lessons
Parental engagement
- Reading and maths workshops for parents
- Drop In sessions to meet the Inclusion lead, Family Support Worker and SENCo team
How we plan to demonstrate impact of spending
- We have a designated pupil premium lead who is part of the senior leadership team of the school.
- Pupil premium is very much at the top of the school’s agenda and tracking systems are put in place to show the impact of each intervention being provided.
- Advice and support has been sought from a variety of agencies in order to ensure we are being innovative in the way the money is being spent and maximum impact is being achieved.
- A designated governor has been allocated to ensure the PPG is being effectively spent.
How often will funding be reviewed?
Pupil premium expenditure will be reviewed at the end of each intervention where appropriate and each term for ongoing support.