
Character Curriculum

We aim to empower all our students with the understanding that their character is equally as important to their future happiness and success in life as academic learning and qualifications.

Our vision at Wood Field Primary School is to enable students to flourish in all areas of their lives, by supporting their development into well-rounded, empathetic beings who can contribute and shape society and the wider world, whilst respecting and supporting those who live in it, though the teaching and modelling of good character.

Character education is an integral part of school life. It underpins our school ethos, dictates our values, and is embedded across the school using our Drivers and Pupil Qualities

Character is primarily 'caught' i.e. it is picked up through the experiences one has. Therefore, we ensure we create an ethos and environment that nurtures each one of our pupil qualities. For example, our behaviour for learning policy and house system is based on developing students’ empathy, self-control, and sense of responsibility. We believe that every interaction is an opportunity to develop the good character of our students to help them be cleverer and kinder every day.

It is important that the school environment provides opportunities for character to be 'sought' for example, being at Wood Field Primary School offers students opportunities for the development of personal habits and character commitments e.g. good time-keeping, good manners, friendly relations and leadership opportunities throughout the school.

More information to follow soon.